Master Programme – IACA – International Anti-Corruption Academy


The Provisional Commission was a transitional organ of IACA, mandated with preparations in view of the Assembly of Parties. It was established on 13 October 2011 by the Resolution of the IACA Provisional Assembly Establishing the Provisional Commission, and dissolved on 29 November 2012 with the convening of the Assembly of Parties. The Commission had brought together representatives of all of IACA’s Signatories and Parties. During its lifespan, it had five sessions and series of informal consultations. The Commission is credited with having prepared some of the most fundamental documents for endorsement by the first session of the Assembly of Parties.

The officers of the Provisional Commission were, H.E. Eugenio M. Curia (President, Argentina); Itai Apter (Vice President, Israel); H.E. Helmut Böck (Vice President, Austria); Anca Jurma (Vice President, Romania); Pakdee Pothisiri (Vice President, Thailand); H.E. Ukur Yatani (Vice President, Kenya); and Sofia Zakharova (Vice President, Russian Federation).


The International Steering Committee was a transitional organ of IACA, established in October 2008 and dissolved on 8 March 2011 with IACA becoming an international organization. The Committee adopted the Academy’s policies, regulated management and the transitional work programme. In addition, it reviewed the progress of IACA’s activities and gave strategic direction to the International Transition Team in carrying out preparatory work for the Academy to become an international organization. The Committee had brought together senior representatives of IACA’s initiating partners – UNODC, the Republic of Austria, OLAF – and other stakeholders.

The Steering Committee’s members were, Martin Kreutner (Chairperson, 2009 – 2011); H.E. Helmut Böck; Hans Brieger; Franz-Hermann Brüner (†), Wolfgang Hetzer; John Sandage; Brigitte Strobel-Shaw; Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger; Muhyieddeen Touq; and Dimitri Vlassis.


The International Transition Team carried out the Academy’s daily operations. The team included approximately 20 international professionals and personnel seconded by IACA’s Parties and stakeholders. With their different skills and backgrounds, the members of this International Transition Team negotiated a host of issues, such as the planning and implementation of programmes and events, legal matters and cooperation arrangements, external relations, communications and outreach, administration, finances, and facility management. Moreover, the team served as a secretariat to both the Provisional Commission and Provisional Assembly. During the transition phase, it was also responsible for groundwork in view of IACA becoming an international organization.

The International Academic Advisory Board (IAAB) serves as an advisory organ, providing recommendations on matters related to education, training and research. It currently consists of ten eminent academic personalities and experts in the fields of anti-corruption. All members of the IAAB were unanimously elected by the Board of Governors in June 2013. Six had been unanimously elected by the Steering Committee in spring 2010 during the transition phase, and were subsequently reelected en bloc by the Board of Governors.


Members serve in their individual capacity. They are:

Kühne  Hans-Heiner Kühne





Li  Daniel Ming-chak Li

  (Vice Chairperson)




Calinescu Cornel Calinescu





Oh  Pil Hwan Oh





Kodi  Muzong Kodi





Lafitsky  Vladimir I. Lafitsky





Pakstaitis  Laurynas Pakstaitis





Schneider  Friedrich Schneider





Taseva  Slagjana Taseva





Thony  Jean-François Thony





The International Senior Advisory Board (ISAB) serves as an advisory organ to the Academy, reflecting on its activities and offering observations and advice on how the highest standards can be met and maintained. The Board currently consists of eleven eminent personalities with outstanding credentials from a wide variety of backgrounds.  All members of the ISAB were unanimously elected by the Board of Governors in June 2013. Seven had been unanimously elected by the Steering Committee in spring 2010 during the transition phase, and were subsequently reelected en bloc by the Board of Governors.


Members serve in their individual capacity. They are:


Michael Hershman





Labelle  H.E. Huguette Labelle

(Vice Chairperson)




Curia  H.E. Eugenio M. Curia





Dogan  Fazli Dogan





Mahakun  Vicha Mahakun





de Michele  Roberto de Michele





Navarro  Luiz Augusto Fraga Navarro de Britto Filho





Ouko  Edward Ouko





Pieth  Mark Pieth





Tichy-Fisslberger  H.E. Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger






Fraser-Moleketi  H.E. Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi

  (2013 – 2015)




OKeefe  (†) Barry O’Keefe

  (2013 – 2014)

MK CVMartin Kreutner

Dean of IACA
(2012 – present)


Curriculum Vitae


At its first session on 30 November 2012, the Board of Governors unanimously elected Martin Kreutner as IACA’s first Dean.

The Dean is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Academy and its substantive programme. He is supported by the IACA team, and reports and is accountable to the Board of Governors.

The Dean’s powers include (Article IX, IACA Agreement):

  • Representing the Academy externally
  • Ensuring the proper administration of the Academy, including human resources and financial management
  • Preparing the work programme and budget of the Academy for consideration by the Board and adoption by the Assembly
  • Implementing the work programme and budget
  • Submitting to the Board annual and ad hoc reports on the activities of the Academy, including an annual audited statement of the Academy’s accounts
  • Proposing the establishment of cooperative relationships in accordance with Article XIII (Cooperative Arrangements) for approval by the Board
  • Coordinating the work of the Academy with the work of the Parties to this Agreement and other international and national institutions, agencies and networks as relevant taking into account the relevant recommendations and guidelines of the Assembly and the Board as well as advice from the International Senior Advisory Board and the International Academic Advisory Board
  • Entering into contracts and arrangements on behalf of the Academy and negotiating international agreements for consideration by the Board and approval by the Assembly
  • Actively seeking appropriate funding for the Academy and accepting voluntary contributions on behalf of the Academy in accordance with the relevant Board strategies and guidelines as well as the financial regulations
  • Undertaking other assignments or activities as may be determined by the Board

The Board of Governors is the Academy’s main governing organ, and was established on 29 November 2012. Nine members of the Board were elected by the first session of the Assembly of Parties while two were appointed by Austria and UNODC as initiating partners.

With six terms expiring in 2015, new members were (re-) elected at the fourth session of the Assembly of Parties. All regional groups are represented in the Board of Governors.


Board members serve in their individual capacity. They are:

Popova  H.E. Margarita Popova

(Chairperson, 2012 – present)




Kassim  Abu Kassim bin Mohamed

(Vice Chairperson, 2012 – present)




Female Silhouette  Patricia Ximena Arriagada Villouta

(2015 – present)




Dubik  Sergey N. Dubik

(2012 – present)




Feiner  Hermann Feiner

(2012 – present)




Vusal Huseynov photo  Vusal Huseynov

(2015 – present)




Brazil  Sérgio Nogueira Seabra

(2015 – present)




NtaEkpo Nta

(2015 – present)




Pakdee Pothisiri  Pakdee Pothisiri

(2012 – present)




DSC 2941  Muhyieddeen Shaban Touq

(2015 – present)

Vetere  Eduardo Vetere

(2012 – present)






Tapia Fernandez  Jorge Juan de Dios Fernández Tapia

(2012 – 2015)




Kim  Young Ran Kim

(2012 – 2015)




Mordechai Kremnitzer  Mordechai Kremnitzer

(2012 – 2015)




Morar  Daniel Marius Morar

(2012 – 2015)




Villanueva Bracho  Cecilia Villanueva Bracho

(2012 – 2014)

The Assembly of Parties serves as a forum for Parties to consult on the overall policy of the Academy and on other matters of interest under the IACA Agreement. The Assembly meets once a year.

In 2012, the Assembly convened in Vienna, Austria, in 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2014 in Baku, Azerbaijan, and in 2015 in Vienna, Austria again.

pdfRules of Procedure for the Assembly of Parties


The fourth session of the Assembly of Parties took place in Vienna, Austria, from 9 to 11 December 2015.
The officers of this session are President: Mr. Ekpo Nta, Nigeria (African Group)

Vice President: H.E. Ms. Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger, Austria (WEOG)

Vice President: H.E. Senator Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan, Malaysia (Asia-Pacific Group)

Rapporteur: Ms. Vivian Loss Sanmartin, Brazil (GRULAC)

Rapporteur: Mr. Albin Otruba, Slovakia (EEG)

Conference documents and other relevant information will be circulated and also made available here.


pdfInvitation from the Executive Secretary

General Information

pdfProvisional Agenda and Annotations


pdfInformation for Participants

pdfRegistration Form (fourth Assembly session)

pdfRegistration Form & Explanatory Note (financial pledges)

pdfLetter from the Executive Secretary on the Extended Bureau meeting & Explanatory Note

pdfBudget Proposal 2016

pdfLetter by the Executive Secretary on alternative ways of funding


pdf Address by the Federal President of the Republic of Austria

pdf Video message from the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

pdf Opening Statement of the Dean and Executive Secretary

pdf Report of the Chairperson of the Board of Governors

pdfClosing Statement by the Presidency


pdfResolution on General Matters

pdfResolution on the Budget 2016

pdfResolution on Elections to the Board of Governors

pdfResolution on the Convening and Agenda of the Fifth Session

pdfResolution on the Report of the Fourth Session


Resolutions from the first three sessions of the Assembly of Parties are available in the tabs to your right.

IACA is governed by the Board of Governors. Its other four organs include the Assembly of Parties, Dean, International Senior Advisory Board, and International Academic Advisory Board. Their roles, membership and powers are defined by the Agreement for the Establishment of IACA as an International Organization.

The Board of Governors and Dean were elected in late November 2012, following the first session of the Assembly of Parties. All members of the two advisory boards were unanimously elected by the Board of Governors in June 2013. Several members had served on the boards since spring 2010, having been unanimously elected by the Steering Committee during the transition phase.

In the lead up to the first Assembly of Parties (29 – 30 November 2012), the Academy was guided by a Provisional Commission. Established in October 2011 by IACA’s Provisional Assembly, the Provisional Commission met five times and had a series of informal consultations before it was dissolved with the convening of the Assembly of Parties. Its role, membership and powers were defined in the Resolution of the IACA Provisional Assembly establishing the Provisional Commission.

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