System Study & Review of MDAs
In its resolve to tackle corruption in the country as prescribed by the mandate in its enabling law, the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) has been exploring all options open to it in this regard.
Section 6 (b-d) of the Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act, 2000 vests in the Commission the power to “instruct” and “advice” any Ministry, Department, Agency or any other public body on its corruption-prone processes and to supervise a review of such processes. This function is referred to by the Commission as System Study. To this end, ICPC has been conducting system studies in MDAs and other public bodies.
Interestingly, the studies have been quite revealing. They have indicated systemic dysfunction; inadvertent breaches of regulations; ignorance of proper procedures; and sometimes, willful violation of laid down rules of doing government business by public officials.
ICPC sets a lot of store by these studies on account of the fact that they form a solid tool for its corruption-prevention drive. The Commission also follows up the studies to ensure that the erring public bodies correct the systemic anomalies.