National Ethics & Integrity Policy

Every citizen has a right to be treated with respect irrespective of his/her creed, vocation, gender, race, or social status.
Every citizen shall be provided the space to contribute their opinions, wisdom and skills to serve the public good, thereby promoting unity, peace, socio-economic and political development.
Every citizen shall demonstrate patriotism by being law-abiding, respecting the national symbols and defending Nigeria. Nigeria First.
Every citizen shall pledge to be personally responsible for obeying the laws of the land and meeting all their legal obligations.
Every citizen shall act according to one’s belief and values at all times and in all situations with honesty, truthfulness, including the ability to discern what is right and wrong.
Every citizen shall have a sense of the oneness of Nigeria as a nation, of belonging to a nation where all citizens are equal regardless of tribe or religion.
Public and private sector institutions and practitioners shall function according to basic operational structures and norms in order to ensure that high professional standards are maintained.